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Homeopathic medicines for piles

Homeopathic medicines for piles 

Homeopathic medicines for piles or Treating Piles or Haemorrhoids with Homeopathic remedies- Homeopathy for piles or haemorrhoids is the best bet

What is Piles or Haemorrhoids (बवासीर क्या है)
Piles or Hemorrhoids (called Bawasir in Hindi language) is a disease affecting the anal region. The veins in the rectal area swell due to stagnation of blood. The swollen veins cause pain, itching and discomfort while passing stool, sitting, standing or walking. The pain may last for a long time after passing stool. In some patients, there may be bleeding while passing stool. This is known as bleeding piles. The piles may be internal or external depending upon the location of the veins. When the problem is severe, the piles may protrude from the rectum and may have to be pushed back manually.
Symptoms of Piles or Haemorrhoids (बवासीर के लक्षण)
The common symptoms that are seen in the majority of piles or haemorrhoids patients happen to be –
There is pain while passing stool. The character of the pain may vary from one patient to the other. While some experience excruciating pain, others have only mild discomfort. Some patients describe the pain as if some splinter or a glass is pricking in the anal canal while others may feel burning pain. Often patients keep on feeling this pain for hours after passing stool. This pain can make sitting or standing difficult.
In some patients, there is itching or irritation in the anal canal.
Bleeding may or may not be present. In those cases, where bleeding occurs, it is mostly while passing stool. The blood is often fresh red blood.

Cause of Piles or the reasons for Piles (बवासीर के कारण)
The most important cause or reason for the occurrence of piles is the changing lifestyle. While the food that we eat is becoming rich in fats and carbohydrates, our habits are becoming more and more sedentary. We do not move around. We do not walk enough or cycle. Even other physical activities while doing household chores have been taken over either by machines or helpers. This leads to obesity and fat around the waist. Increased body weight and little physical activity can slow down the digestive system. In some parts of the world, people tend to eat lots of spices. Spicy food is a big contributor to the occurrence of piles.
Role of diet as a cause for piles disease or haemorrhoids or bawasir disease (बवासीर में खाने की भूमिका)
Fiber content or roughage is very important to form the bulk of stool and helps in its easy evacuation. When the fiber content is low, it makes it difficult to pass stool. Constipation results and one often has to strain to pass stool. As mentioned earlier, spices can also add to the already existing tendency of piles. Also, there is too much intake of aerated drinks in some parts of the world. These aerated drinks are not healthy and often are at the cost of normal intake of water. This replacing of water with aerated drinks is another contributory factor in causing piles. Also, non vegetarian food is a little harder on the digestive system and takes more time to digest. In some cultures, the predominant part of diet consists of non vegetarian food.
Managing Piles disease or Haemorrhoids-some important tips (बवासीर के रोगियों के लिए कुछ आवश्यक बातें)
Making some changes to one’s routine and lifestyle can go a long way in managing piles or haemorrhoids. Here are some tips to get rid of your piles or haemorrhoids-
It is important that one should take care of what one eats. The daily diet should be rich in fiber or roughage. This roughage is present in large quantity in raw fruits and vegetables. Therefore taking raw fruits and salads daily is highly recommended.
One should be cutting down on the intake of non-vegetarian food. As mentioned earlier, non-vegetarian food is difficult to digest and often contains a lot of spices which are added while cooking.
Drinking lots of water is another important thing. Water hydrates the digestive system and makes it easy for the stool to be passed.
Walking regularly or taking any form of exercise daily is also very helpful. It activates the sluggish digestive system and allows the bowels to be cleared easily without straining.
Straining while passing stool is also best avoided.
Abuse of laxatives is another important point here. The regular usage of laxatives can by itself cause piles and is often counterproductive.
Avoid sitting in one position for long. In fact, one should not sit for long at all. It is better to get up and move around after some time.
Sitz bath or sitting in a tub of hot water helps. It not only relieves the pain and inflammation but also helps in maintaining hygiene.
Treating Piles or Haemorrhoids – why surgery is not advisable (बवासीर के लिए आपरेशन क्यों है अनावश्यक)
When one has been diagnosed with piles, the next obvious thing that comes into one’s mind is its treatment. The only treatment for piles or hemorrhoids that is offered by Allopathy is the surgical option. There is no other treatment in allopathy. Most of the patients are afraid or wary of getting a surgery done. There are some disadvantages of this surgical option. Surgery is cumbersome and expensive. At the same time, the very purpose of surgery is lost when this problem recurs after some time of getting surgery done. At times, people are not aware of the possibility of piles being treated in any other way and end up getting surgery done. They do not look around or ask around for other possibilities ie alternative or complementary treatment for piles. It is only later when the problem recurs that they regret their decision of getting surgery done and start looking for some alternatives.
Non surgical treatment or Home treatment for piles – Alternative or Complementary Treatment for Piles or Hemorrhoids (बवासीर का आपरेशन के बिना इलाज)

At times some patients are lucky enough to be given the right guidance by a friend or family member or a relative to look for other alternatives to surgery. Some patients are themselves smart enough to look around before taking the surgeon’s word as the gospel truth. There are still others who are not lucky enough and get a surgery done but look around only when the problem recurs. Having got themselves surgically treated once, they realize that they cannot keep on getting surgeries every now and then. So they start searching the internet or ask friends for some alternative or complementary treatment for piles.
Homeopathy medicine for piles is the best Alternative or Complementary bawasir medicine (बवासीर का सबसे अच्छा उपचार होमियोपैथी है)
When it comes to alternative or complementary treatments for piles or hemorrhoids, Homeopathy offers the best treatment for piles. I say best not only because the cure rate is exceptionally good but also because Homeopathic treatment for piles offers several more advantages. It is very economical when compared to any other alternative or complementary treatment for piles. At the same time, the homeopathic medicines do not have any side effects. This is one of the biggest advantages of Homeopathy over any other system of medicine. While you are under treatment of any other system of medicine, you run the risk of getting one or the other side effect while Homeopathic treatment for piles is absolutely safe. That is why I say that Homeopathy is the best when it comes to alternative or complementary treatment for piles or Hemorrhoids.
Homeopathic Piles medicines – the 5 best Homeopathic medicines for Piles treatment (बवासीर के लिए ५ श्रेष्ठतम होम्योपैथिक दवाएँ)
In Homeopathy, there are very effective medicines that can cure Haemorrhoids very easily. By opting for Homeopathy treatment for piles problem, one can avoid surgery, which is the only option that is offered by Allopathy. In my experience in the last 2 decades of practice in Homeopathy, I have found a few medicines to be very effective in Homeopathic treatment for piles. Never ever did any of my patient require any other treatment or surgery to get rid of piles. A lot of cases were really bad ones. Some had been suffering for decades and had tried lots of piles medicines including creams for applications, home remedies or Ayurvedic medicines. From the vast experience of treating such difficult and chronic piles cases, I have compiled this list of 5 best Homeopathy medicines for Piles problem.
Here are the 5 best homeopathic medicines for piles problem-
Hamamelis – best piles medicine for bleeding piles problem
Ratanhia- best piles treatment for painful piles problem
Graphites – best medicine for piles disease with constipation
Nux Vomica – best medicine for haemorrhoids due to sedentary lifestyle
Aesculus – best treatment for piles problem with backache
At the cost of being repetitive, I want to emphasize that this list of homeopathic piles medicines is not an exhaustive one. I often have to use other medicines depending upon the symptoms of the patient. Nonetheless, these 5 piles medicines can be called the 5 best homeopathic remedies for piles problem. A brief description of the symptoms of these medicines is given below-

1. Hamamelis-One of the best Homeopathic piles medicines for Bleeding Piles or Haemorrhoids (हैमामेलिस – खूनी बवासीर के लिए अच्छी पाइल्स मेडिसिन)
The most common reason why patients seek treatment is the presence of blood in their stools due to piles. Such patients are usually quite worried and anxious. The best way to ease their anxiety is to stop the bleeding as soon as possible. In such cases, Hamamelis is the best homeopathic piles medicine for bleeding piles and I have rarely required any other medicine to stop the bleeding. Any form of venous congestion and venous bleeding comes under the purview of this medicine and the rectal region is the most prominent. There is a feeling of soreness and bruised sort of sensation which is another important guiding symptom for the use of this medicine.
2. Ratanhia-One of the best Homeopathy medicine for painful Piles or Haemorrhoids (रतानिया – दर्द के साथ बवासीर का होम्योपैथिक इलाज )
The second most common reason for patients seeking medical help is pain while passing stool. This is usually referred to as painful piles. When it comes to curing painful piles, Ratanhia is the best homeopathic remedy for piles. I place Ratanhia as the best homeopathic piles medicine when it comes to the use of Homeopathic medicine to cure painful piles. There is pain while passing stool and the pain persists for hours afterwards. The character of the pain is such as if there is broken glass inside the rectum. Sometimes there is pain as if a knife is thrust inside. Dry heat or burning may also be felt. This burning may be relieved by cold water.
3. Graphites-One of the Best Homeopathic medicines for Piles or Haemorrhoids with Constipation (ग्रेफाइट्स – कब्ज के साथ बवासीर का होम्योपैथिक उत्तम इलाज)
If the patient has constipation along with piles, Graphites is the best homeopathic medicine for piles and has shown wonderful results in my practice. The stools are hard, knotty and united by mucous threads. Obesity is another strong indication for this medicine. Skin eruptions are another common symptom seen in such patient. When one finds such a patient who is obese, has skin eruptions or any history of skin eruptions and is constipated, Graphites is most likely to cure such a patient. In females, there is menstrual disturbance too. Most of the times, menses are scanty and delayed.

4. Nux Vomica- Best Homeopathic medicine for Piles or Haemorrhoids due to sedentary lifestyle (नक्स वॉमिका – बैठे रहने के कारण होने वाली बवासीर के लिए)
The modern day lifestyle has become more and more sedentary. One tends to work a lot but only on the mental plane while there is little physical activity. At the same time, one tends to take lot of rich food and also non veg. Use of stimulants like liquor or cigarettes is also quite high. This causes a lot of problems, piles being one of them. In such cases, Nux Vomica is the best Homeopathic medicine for piles. It not only cures the piles but also sets the gastrointestinal system in order again. Such a patient is usually an aggressive person who is a go-getter. He is a chilly patient which means he cannot tolerate cold air or cold weather.
5. Aesculus-Best Homeopathic remedy for Haemorrhoids or Piles problem with pain in the back (एस्क्युलस – पीठ दर्द के साथ बवासीर के लिए श्रेष्ठ पाइल्स मेडिसिन)
If the patient has pain in the back along with piles, Aesculus Hippocastanum is the best Homeopathic remedy for piles or haemorrhoids. There is pain in the back along with the piles and there is no explanation for this backache except that it is occurring along with the piles. There may be pain in the rectum as if it is full of small sticks. More often, the piles is blind in character, which means that there is no bleeding.


Disclaimer: Before taking any mediciene kindly get in touch with doctor or contact us.