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Homeopathic Medicine for Ugly scars by Dr Payal Homeocare

Homeopathic Medicine for Ugly scars 

Homeopathic Creams for Scar Removal
You can easily remove scars with these popularly known homeopathic creams. To remove scars with homeopathic creams, apply the cream directly on the scars in thin layer. In addition to this, you can also take specific homeopathic remedies from a homeopathic consultant, depending on your health condition.

Calendula – It is a popular and widely used homeopathic cream for removing scars. It is a natural remedy that is also available in the form of ointment. This homeopathic cream is mainly useful for scars caused due to small cuts or wounds. It promotes healing of wounds and when applied right from the beginning, can also prevent ugly looking scars. It can also be used in concentrated form as mother tincture or oil or can be taken internally as medicine to help prevent and diminish the scar marks from skin.

Causticum – This is also a popular homeopathic remedy for scars caused by burns. You can apply the liquid medicine of causticum to heal the scars and remove it effectively. It is also available in the form of medicine and can be taken internally, as advised. This homeopathic remedy is more effective in removing scars caused due to burns and scalds.

Graphites – You can remove scars caused by eczema and acne with this homeopathic cream. This remedy can heal the skin and restore it into its original state. It is available in ointment or cream form that you can use directly on the scar. You can also use it by mixing it with calendula to heal wounds and skin diseases and remove the scars effectively.

Thiosinaminum - Thiosinaminum cream is an effective homeopathic remedy and the cream is formulated with a blend of lanolin ointment. It is known to dissolve the tissues of scars to offer you scar free skin. This remedy is one of the important remedies to remove scars with homeopathic creams. It can be used for a variety of scar marks including stretch marks, acne scars and burn scars. This remedy can improve and reduce the scarring from your skin effectively.

Thiosinaminum with glycerin - Another effective way to remove scars with homeopathic creams is a mixture of thiosinaminum and glycerin solution. You need to mix these two substances together and apply the solution directly on the scar marks. Since it is less greasy, it penetrates faster deep into the dermal layer of your skin and starts alleviating scarring from your skin. When used rapidly over time, you may observe that this solution has dissolved the scar tissues from your skin and restored the skin into its original state.

Silicea - Silicea is another homeopathic remedy that promotes healing and also helps to clear the skin. It is also another useful way to remove scars with homeopathic creams. The homeopathic silica is effective in dissolving and reducing the scar tissues. It can dissolve and lighten scars of any type including the scars that are caused due to acne breakouts or any skin diseases.

Silicea with glycerin - You need to take about 20 drops of silicea homeopathic liquid and mix it with bottle of glycerin and water to create a liquid solution and apply the solution over the scars, twice daily. This solution is very effective in removing all types of scars on your skin and offers you a glowing and radiant skin.


Disclaimer: Before taking any mediciene kindly get in touch with doctor or contact us.