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Homeopathic medicines for joints pain By Dr Payal Homeocare

Homeopathic medicines for joints pain 

What are Joint Pains?

Medically, a joint refers to the area where two bones connect and which allows for movement of these two bones. We have numerous joints all over the body to allow movement of its parts. Whenever a joint gets swollen, inflamed or damaged from injury or disease, joint pain arises. Along with the pain, stiffness and limitation of joint movement is also felt. Joint pain is medically called arthritis. Among the various causes of joint pain, the major ones are advancing age, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, tendinitis, injuries and sprains. Joint pain can be limited to one joint or may involve multiple joints at the same time.

Homeopathic Treatment of Joint Pains

Joint pains can be cured with great success under the Homeopathic mode of treatment. In fact, a wide range of Homeopathic medicines are available for relief from joint pains of any kind. A suitable Homeopathic medicine is selected based on the joint involved and the specific symptoms that cause an increase or decrease in the joint pain. Homeopathic medicines for joint pains that I would rate as top grade are Rhus Tox, Bryonia, Colchicum, Ruta and Ledum Pal. Homeopathic medicines are mostly derived from plant sources and are therefore, natural and safe. Rather than suppress the symptoms, Homeopathic medicines stimulate the body’s own restorative processes, giving it the means to heal from within.

Homeopathic Medicines for Joint Pains

Rhus Tox – One of the top grade Homeopathic medicines for joint pains

Natural medicine Rhus Tox is one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for joint pains. I have found Rhus Tox to be highly effective in treating joint pains, even joint pains which are acute and chronic in nature. In fact, Rhus Tox has shown remarkable results in pains affecting any joint. Along with the pain, marked stiffness has been observed in the joints. Joint pain, whether rheumatic or related to injury or over-exertion, responds well to Rhus Tox. A visible symptom for prescription of Rhus Tox is that the pain and stiffness in the joints worsens with rest and gets better with motion. Another key feature is the relief in pain from heat. Rhus Tox is the most effective among Homeopathic medicines for joint pains in such cases.

Sanguinaria Can and Ferrum Met – Homeopathic medicines for joint pains in shoulders

Homeopathic medicines Sanguinaria Can and Ferrum Met have shown wonderful results in joint pains affecting the shoulder. Sanguinaria Can is majorly indicated for right-sided shoulder joint pain. The right shoulder feels stiff and the pain gets worse with motion or when raising the arm. Pain in the right shoulder intensifies at night, which is another sign that Sanguinaria Can will work best among Homeopathic medicines for joint pains. Ferrum Met is best suited for left-sided shoulder joint pain. Stiffness and cracking appear in the left shoulder joint along with the pain. Other guiding symptoms for use of Ferrum Met as one of the best Homeopathic medicines for joint pains are worsening of pain from raising the left arm, from taking the arm behind the back and while trying to lift things. Applying heat relieves the pain in the left shoulder joint, another symptom to look out for when prescribing Homeopathic medicine Ferrum Met.

Bryonia and Ruta – Best Homeopathic medicines for joint pains in elbow

Homeopathic medicines Bryonia and Ruta have shown the most satisfactory results in joint pains in the elbow. In my clinical practice, when pain in the elbow joint worsens with the least movement, Bryonia is the ideal among Homeopathic medicines for joint pains to prescribe and will provide quick and sustained relief. This pain is usually accompanied by swelling and stiffness in the elbow joint in such cases. However, putting pressure on the elbow relieves pain, another marked feature guiding prescription of the Bryonia. Ruta is the most effective of Homeopathic medicines for joint pains specifically indicated when the elbow pain is located around the condyles. Stretching the arm aggravates the pain. Ruta is also the most helpful of Homeopathic medicines for joint pains with sore and inflamed tendons around the elbow joint.

Actea Spicata and Rhododendron – Top Homeopathic medicines for joint pains in the wrist

For joint pains located in the wrist, the most wonderfully effective Homeopathic medicines are Actea Spicata and Rhododendron. I have found that Actea Spicata is ideal prescription among Homeopathic medicines for joint pains in the wrist, with intense swelling. The pain worsens with motion and exertion, and the hands may feel week. Rhododendron works well in cases of joint pain in the wrist that gets worse from rest. Movement relieves the wrist pain in such cases. Bruises on the wrist have also been seen in such cases Rhododendron comes highly recommended as one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for joint pains.

Caulophyllum and Lithium Carb – Excellent Homeopathic medicines for joint pains in fingers

Natural medicines Caulophyllum and Lithium Carb are the best choice of Homeopathic medicines for joint pains of the fingers. Homeopathic medicine Caulophyllum is indicated for severe pain in finger joints attended with marked stiffness. Nodes may also be found on finger joints in such cases where Caulophyllum will work as one of the best Homeopathic medicines for joint pains. The pain may get worse on closing the hands. Shifting joint pains are also a key feature for prescription of Homeopathic medicine Caulophyllum. Lithium Carb is one of the most helpful Homeopathic medicines for joint pains of the fingers where intense swelling is present. Tenderness of joints is well marked in such cases. Application of heat provides relief and the pain is accompanied by itching in the finger joints in cases where treatment with Homeopathic medicine Lithium Carb would help most.

Aesculus and Colocynth – Effective Homeopathic medicines for joint pains located in the hip

For joint pains in the hip, I would rank Aesculus and Colocynth as top grade Homeopathic medicines. Aesculus has proved the most effective for aching, bruised hip joints. Where walking and stooping worsen the pain and pain is experienced in the sacrum area of the hip as well, Aesculus is the best rated among Homeopathic medicines for joint pains. Colocynth is the best indicated among Homeopathic medicines for joint pains where cramping pain is experienced in the hip joint. Pain from the hip may radiate down the thigh or leg. Warmth and pressure may provide some relief in the hip joint in such cases.

Ledum Pal and Ruta – Valuable Homeopathic medicines for joint pains in ankle

Ledum Pal and Ruta are valuable Homeopathic medicines for joint pains in the ankle. Both are equally suitable prescriptions where ankle joints are painful and swollen. Even in case of injured and sprained ankles in severe pain, Ledum Pal and Ruta rate among the best cures.

Colchicum and Ledum Pal – Reliable Homeopathic medicines for pain in toe joints

Colchicum and Ledum Pal are high grade Homeopathic medicines for joint pains in the toe. Colchicum is one of the most helpful Homeopathic medicines where the big toe is most affected. There is severe swelling of the toe joint along with the pain. The pain becomes more intense with the slightest touch or movement. Colchicum is also one of the best Homeopathic medicines for joint pains to prescribe where pain in the toe gets worse as night falls. Ledum Pal has also established itself as an effective Homeopathic medicine for joint pains involving the toe. This Homeopathic medicine is most useful when stiffness persists along with pain in the toe joints. Heat application worsens the toe joint pain, cold compress provides relief. Another characteristic feature that decides in favour of Ledum Pal as the best choice among Homeopathic medicines for joint pains of the toe is that the pain travels upward from the toe.


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