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Homeopathic Medicines for Dandruff

Homeopathic Medicines for Dandruff

Top 5 homeopathic remedies for dandruff

How often it is that we get to see commercials on television or in glossy magazines promoting anti-dandruff hair care products! Dandruff is such a commonly occurring problem that it is not only a irritant from the fashion point of view, as all these ads highlight, but is essentially a medical problem that affects almost every second person and almost all age groups.Homeopathic remedies for dandruff are very effective in treating it Naturally and also ensure a permanent recovery from it.
Dandruff is a condition characterized by the shedding of dead cells from the skin of the scalp but it is not confined to the head and can also affect the ears, eyebrows, sides of the nose, beard, and the hairy part of the chest!. It can manifest itself on any part of the body with hair follicles.Dandruff is also referred to as seborrheic dermatitis or serborrhea. When occurring in infants, it is popularly called a “cradle cap”, which usually disappears after a few months to reappear at a later age, while among teenagers it is more commonly known as “druff”.
Signs of dandruff
Dandruff is often mistaken for a dry scalp but it is more than that. When skin cells die, a certain amount of flaking is considered normal. But in this condition, there is a great amount of flaking that becomes chronic and is coupled with redness and irritation on the scalp.Though it affects all age groups, its incidence is pretty high among post-pubertal people and teenagers in particular complain of this problem often. Some people are afflicted by it chronically, while others may exhibit periodic patterns, with dandruff clearing up at intervals and then recurring, especially during winter months.
It basically resembles a dry flaky sheet on the scalp punctuated by areas of pinkish or reddish swollen skin. Some people exhibit no scalp symptoms but only witness white flakes on their shoulders, particularly noticeable on dark clothing, something that all those anti-dandruff shampoo ads keep harping on!In cases of acute dandruff, however, people can experience severe itching, burning or uncontrollable scratching.Dandruff can thus become a source of constant social embarrassment, especially when it is so severe that the high amount of flaking shows on dark clothes or the person is left scratching the scalp every now and then.
 Causes of dandruff
The primary factors responsible for this condition are a skin oil commonly known as sebum or sebaceous secretions, certain metabolic byproducts of micro-organisms in the skin or individual triggers such as an allergy to chemicals contained in hair shampoos, sprays, gels, oils or even some anti-dandruff cures.It is also believed that too much perspiration and climatic changes, too, can contribute to the development of dandruff.
 Natural Homeopathic remedies for dandruff
The biggest advantage of using  homeopathic remedies for dandruff is that it provides a holistic approach to healing as it treats not only the symptoms but also the root cause of a disease or disorder, with hardly any side-effects.In case of dandruff, the homeopathic remedies can be customized to suit the specific requirements of a case. Broadly, I have found the following to be the five best cures for dandruff:
Kali Sulph For profuse creamish- yellow scaly dandruff .
This is a great naural homeopathic  medicine for dandruff that is yellow in color .   I have found it to work well in most cases of dandruff and scald head.
 Thuja -Homeopathic medicine for white Scally dandruff
I have found this  this natural remedy is most suited for cases of white scaly dandruff, hair dryness and flakes falling off.
Phosphurous- Natural Homeopathic remedy for Dandruff with falling of hair
I often  take the help of this medicine in treating patients with persistent itching of the scalp, with hair falling off in large clumps.
Homeopathic Medicine  Sanicula  is  ideal cure for cases of profuse scaly dandruff. Badiaga: I find that this remedy is quite effective for cases where the scalp becomes sore and dry, tatter like.

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