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Tricologically 100 hair fall in a day is a normal condition, and it don’t have huge effect on the appearance, as hairloss is replaced by new hair follicles. Hair loss also known as baldness or alopecia is a big concern for young men and women. In normal routine, there is hair loss and natural hair growth maintain a good balance, but the problem arises when there is less or no re-growth. Patient usually come for treatment, when they see baldness on scalp, or they start seeing their scalp.

Types of Alopecia:

Male Pattern Hair Loss
Female Pattern Hair Loss
Alopecia Areata
Telogen Effluvium
Traction alopecia
Causes of Hair Loss:
Male pattern hair loss is mainly due to Dihydrotestosterone, which is a male hormone. Genetics also play an important role.
Cause of Female pattern hair loss is not clear

Infections like:
Dissecting cellulitis
Fungal Infection eg Tinea Capitis
Secondary Syphilis
Demodex Folliculorum
Drugs used for blood pressure problems, diabetes, heart disease and cholesterol
Oral contraceptive pill
Hormone replacement therapy and
Acne medications
Traction alopecia .
Telogen effluvium
Radiation to the scalp

Other causes
• Alopecia areata
• Alopecia totalis
• Alopecia universalis).
• Lupus erythematosus,
• Lichen plano pilaris,
• Folliculitis decalvans,
• Central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia,
• Postmenopausal frontal fibrosing alopecia
• Tumours and skin outgrowths like basal cell carcinoma, sebaceous nevus, squamous cell carcinoma
• Gradual thinning
• Hypothyroidism
• Hyperthyroidism
• Congenital triangular alopecia
• An unhealthy scalp
• Sebaceous cysts
Alopecia mucinosa
• Tufted folliculitis
• Lupus erythematosus
• Chronic inflammation
• Biotinidase deficiency
• Diabetes
• Pseudopelade of Brocq
• Telogen effluvium

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Top Homeopathic Medicine for Alopecia
Aura Homeopathic treatment is very effective for controlling Diffuse hair loss. Few important homeopathic medicine used in the treatment of various types of hair loss are given below:

Alopecia along with premature graying of hairs along with great mental debility. Hair loss from scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, etc. alopecia due to ailment of grief or mental shock. Weakness of memory, difficult to find correct word while speeking as patient is unable to collect his thoughts, because of weakness of memory. Low sexual power with night emission, Patient complains of prostatorrhoea, while defecation. Patient feels better from keeping himself warm, and feels worse from exertion, and sexual excess. Sever pain in joints and bones with marked debility.

WEISBADEN- It helps to grow hair rapidly and helps to convert gray hair into darker shade. New hair growth replace fallen hairs very fast. Mentally patient is full of anxiety, depressed, impatient and hope less. Males get excited easily with involuntary emission and unbearable itching on genitals.
SELENIUM MET- This homeopathic medicine is used when patient complains of hairloss from pubic region.

VINCA MINOR- It is excellent homeopathy medicine for alopecia areata, where patient hoss hair in patches and the there after grey hair grow in these bald patches.
THALLIUM- Falling of hair after an acute exhausting disease. With profuse perspiration on head. Loss of hair an after effect of an atom bomb explosion. This medicine is capable to grow hairs more rapidly and darker.

NITIC ACID- Hair fall from pubic region because of history of gonorrhea or syphilis.

THUJA OCCI- Patient complains of Diffuse hair loss along with dandruff on the scalp. Dandruff is generally thick and white in color, with intolerable itching on scalp. Hair loss with history of suppressed gonorrhea or due to ill effect of vaccination. Excessive sour, honey like smelling sweat all over except head.

FERRUM PHOS- Patient complains of great weakness and prostration both mentally and physically due to low hemoglobin level in blood. Patient is anaemic with excessive hair loss from the scalp.
CALCAREA CARBONICA- It is homeopathic medicine for Diffuse hair loss in patients who are fat, fair and flabby- constitutionally. Patient complains of hair loss in well defined patches. Very chilly patient with excessive sweat on scalp. High craving for boiled eggs.

PHOSPHORUS- Complains of hair loss during typhoid fever. Patient have Diffuse hair loss with unusual craving of salty things, non-veg food, chicken, cold drinks and ice creams. Constitutionally patients is tall, thin and slender in physical appearance


Disclaimer: Before taking any mediciene kindly get in touch with doctor or contact us.