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Homeopathic Remedies for Bad Breath

Bad smell from the mouth is a very common issues that every third person’s complaint. People feel very embarrassment in front of others. Bad breath is usually noticed by the friends and family members or sometimes by the person. Many bad breathers lead to develop the depression which makes them to keep away from the society which in turn hampers their activities. Therefore many people search for homeopathic remedies for bad breath so that they can speak and laugh freely.

What is halitosis (Bad Breath)?

Halitosis is also known as fetororis which lead to cause an unpleasant, offensive odour from mouth or bad breath. This situation generally occurs due to lowering of the salivary content and something left in mouth such as food debris etc.

What are the reasons for bad breath?

Here are the some of the reasons that lead to cause bad breath as follows:
  1. Lack of oral hygiene.
  2. Airway ailments.
  3. Menstrual troubles.
  4. Systemic illness.
Homeopathic remedies are generally non-toxic in nature and it can be used by anyone including infants and pregnant and nursing women. Homeopathic remedy will prove that they work without any side-effects.  In this article we describe some homeopathic remedies for bad breath.

Top homeopathic remedies for bad breath:

Here are the mentioned homeopathic remedies for bad breath solution:
  1. Arnica Montana:

This homeopathic remedy is good for fetid breath. Mouth becomes dry due to the thirst for water. Bad breath is generally linked with the fever.  After tooth extraction or after injury, there may be bleeding from the gum.
  1. Mercurius solubilis:

This homeopathic remedy is good for those who are having sweet, metallic taste in mouth. Also gums when becomes spongy, recede and bleed easily.

    3. Nitric acid 30:

The homeopathic remedy i.e. Nitric acid. This remedy is good for foul breath which is linked with spongy, bleeding gums and loose teeth. The tongue is clean and red. Moreover it is also good for general weakness, strong-smelling urine and for dry, cracked skin.
  1. Carbolicum acid:

This homeopathy remedy is good for severe bad breath and constipation, burning in the mouth, dry painful lips, allergic reactions and super sensitive smell, sweating, weakness and fearful of disease.
     5.  Kreosotum:
This homeopathic remedy is good for instant decay of teeth along with spongy, bleeding gums. Also it is good for bitter taste & putrid odour from mouth.
  1. Borax:
This homeopathic remedy is good for bad breath linked with apthous ulcer in the mouth. Moreover, it is also good for those who are having fungal infection in the mouth. When touch Ulcers leads to bleed.  Good for bad breath in children having ulcers with in the mouth.
  1. Pyrogen:
This homeopathic remedy is effective for bad breath of septic origin. Moreover it is good for taste terribly fetid with horrible breath, tongue red, dry, smooth as if varnished. It is also good for bad breath linked with high fever and coffee-ground vomiting.
  1. Iodum:
This homeopathy remedies will surely work for bad odour and also effective for loosen gums and bleeding gums. Foul ulcers & salivation.
  1. Asafoetida:
It is effective remedy for bad breath linked with eructations. Moreover it is also effective for development of abdomen with sensation of a ball which generally rises in the throat.
  1. Graphites:
This homeopathic remedy is good for rotten odor from mouth. Moreover it is also good for breathe which smells like urine. Burning blisters on tongue with much salivation.

How to overcome Bad Breath?

f you want to overcome bad breath, the presentation shows homeopathic remedies for bad breath.
  • Go for fluoride that contains tooth paste.
  • Replace your tooth brush periodically.
  • Try to use of tongue cleaner properly.
  • Every time after eating Gargling with mouthwash.
  • Dentures to be cleaned with warm water and denture cream. Having sugar free lonzenges, chewing gums, cinnamon seeds & raw carrots.
  • Consume ample amount of water.     

What should avoid to prevent from Bad Breath?

  • Cigarettes, chewing tobacco, and other stimulants
  • Dairy products
  • Garlic, onions
  • Chocolates and other sweet
 These homeopathic remedies for bad breath will cure your problem without causing any harm to your mouth.


Disclaimer: Before taking any mediciene kindly get in touch with doctor or contact us.