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Homeopathic Remedies for Pilonidal Cyst

Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Pilonidal Cyst

The formation of a cyst at the cleft of the buttocks near the tailbone is known as a Pilonidal Cyst. The cyst contains hair and skin debris. It develops when hair penetrates the skin due to friction and the body, considering it to be a foreign substance, forms a cyst around it. The cyst can get infected, get filled with pus, and form an abscess. A pilonidal sinus is formed when a tract begins from the infected cyst and opens on the surface of the skin. Under the conventional mode of treatment, a surgical incision of the pilonidal cyst is advised (which is painful and temporary). Homeopathic medicine for pilonidal cyst is a safe and efficient treatment option. Homeopathic medicines follow a curative approach to treat pilonidal cysts, rather than just providing relief from the symptoms.These medicines help provide relief from troublesome symptoms like pain and swelling. They also help dissolve the cyst.

Causes and Risk Factors of a Pilonidal Cyst and Pilonidal Sinus

Homeopathy has a great scope in treating Pilonidal Cysts. Homeopathic medicines treat Pilonidal Cysts in a very safe, gentle and effective manner and prevent the need for surgical procedures. These medicines are made from natural substances and raise the body’s self-healing powers to fight the infection naturally. Homeopathic medicines help to manage the symptoms like pain, itching, and discomfort. Homeopathic medicines for pilonidal cyst also help in absorbing the pus discharge from the Pilonidal sinus.

Pilonidal Cyst and its Causes
The exact cause of pilonidal cyst is not clear. But a theory states that initially, hair penetrates the skin of the cleft between buttocks. Friction or rubbing makes the hair go deep into the skin. The body, considering this hair to be a foreign article, forms a cyst around it. This cyst may break open and form a tract that emerges on the surface of the skin (which is called a pilonidal sinus). Obesity, inactive lifestyle, excessive sitting, and excessive body hair on the back are factors that predispose a person to a pilonidal cyst. The age group most prone to developing a pilonidal cyst are between 20 – 25 years. Pilonidal sinus is more common in males than in females.

Symptoms of Pilonidal Cyst / Sinus
Sometimes Pilonidal Cysts do not give out any signs/symptoms. However, they usually appear with swelling and pain in the cleft of the buttocks. Redness and itching also appear. A discomfort while sitting also arises. There is also drainage of pus or blood from the Pilonidal sinus. The pus may be white or yellow or may have an offensive odor. Fever may also appear along with the above features in some cases.

Homeopathic Medicines for Pilonidal Cyst / Sinus
Among a long therapeutic list for treating Pilonidal Cysts, the top rated seven homeopathic medicines are as follows, along with their characteristic features:

Silicea –Homeopathic Medicine for Pilonidal Cyst
Silicea is a homeopathic medicine for Pilonidal Cyst where there is a purulent discharge from the sinus. The pus discharge may be very offensive and fetid. Hardness and swelling at the cleft of the buttock is also present. Itching also appears, mostly in the daytime.
Silicea helps to reduce the swelling and aids in the expulsion of the hair and the pus from the cyst.

Hepar Sulph – Homeopathic Medicine for Pilonidal Cyst with Pain
Hepar Sulph is a homeopathic medicine for pilonidal cyst when there is a pain in the cyst. The pain is throbbing, beating, stinging or pricking in nature. The skin above the cyst is highly inflamed and hot. It is also very sensitive and sore to touch. In the majority of the cases, the pain gets worse at night. Exposure to cold air also worsens the pain in some cases. Pus discharge that is blood-stained may also arise. There is an offensive odor, like old cheese, from the pus.

Myristica Sebifera – Homeopathic Medicine for Pilonidal Cyst.
Myristica Sebifera is a homeopathic medicine for pilonidal cyst. This is a natural medicine prepared from a plant of the Myristicaceae family. In pilonidal sinus cases, it helps to hasten the suppuration and aids in complete recovery. Its use prevents surgical intervention in most cases of pilonidal sinus.
Apart from Pilonidal Cysts, Myristica works wonders in treating suppurative diseases like boils, abscess, carbuncles, anal fistula, and Whitlow.

Merc Sol – Homeopathic Medicine for Pilonidal Cyst with Pus Discharge
Merc Sol is a homeopathic medicine for pilonidal cyst treatment in the late stages when the pus begins to release from the cyst. The pus discharge is profuse, acrid and sticky. The affected area is sore and painful to touch. Itching may also be present. An increased amount of offensive sweat on the body is present. The symptoms worsen at night, and warmth tends to aggravate all these symptoms.

Calcarea Sulph – Homeopathic Medicine for pilonidal cyst with Yellow Pus
Calcarea Sulph is a homeopathic medicine for pilonidal cyst with yellow pus discharge. The discharge is thick and lumpy and may be bloody in some cases. Calcarea Sulph helps in controlling pus formation.

Phosphorus – Homeopathic Medicine for Pilonidal Cyst with Bloody Discharge.
Phosphorus is a homeopathic medicine for pilonidal cyst treatment when there is a bloody discharge from the cyst. The blood is thin and profuse. Burning in the surrounding skin may also appear.
Phosphorus is an excellent anti-hemorrhagic remedy. It helps in controlling the bloody discharge and also contributes towards healing the pilonidal sinus.
It is also useful in cases where healing has taken place in the past, and the problem has arisen again with a bloody discharge. It is also indicated in cases where the pilonidal cyst has colorless and fetid pus.

Lycopodium Clavatum – Homeopathic Medicine for Pilonidal Cyst with Milky-white Pus Discharge
Lycopodium Clavatum is a homeopathic medicine for pilonidal cyst where there is a milky white pus discharge. The discharge has a putrid smell and is corroding. Burning and stitching pain is felt in the affected area. Warmth worsens the complaint. Fever with alternate chills and heat may also arise. It is also indicated when the cyst recurs periodically and does not get treated.

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